Simple guide on how to write a CV

Your CV is a snapshot of your skills and experiences. It helps you show employers why you're a great fit for a job.

Look here for an example of a basic CV.

Follow these steps to create an effective CV:

1. Basic Info:
Start with your full name, phone number, email and address. Make sure your email address is professional and one that you check on a regular basis.

2. Personal statement:
Write a quick sentence about why you are suitable for the job. Keep it short and clear. Use our guide on how to write a personal statement.

3. Education:
List your school and what you're studying and mention any qualifications you might have completed.

4. Work & Experience:
Talk about any jobs, internships or volunteering. Mention what you did and learnt.

5. Skills:
List skills you're good at. Like computer programmes, foreign languages or presentations.

6. Achievements:
Share any awards, projects or things you're proud of.

7. Keep it Short:
Aim for 1 or 2 pages. Use a simple font and don't overdo colours.

8. Be Honest:
Tell the truth. Don't make up things you haven't done.

9. Customise:
Tailor your CV for each job. Highlight skills that fit the job.

10. Proofread:
Check for spelling and grammar mistakes. A neat CV looks good.

11. Make it Neat:
Use headings and bullet points to organize. Make it easy to read.

12. Be Positive:
Show your enthusiasm. Use words that show you're eager to work.

13. Ask for Help:
Show your CV to teachers, friends or family for feedback. They might have good suggestions.

14. Edit & Update:
Keep updating your CV as you learn new things or get new experiences.

Remember, your CV is a chance to introduce yourself to employers. Keep it simple, clear and true to who you are.

Good luck!

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